Higher Education
and Exchange:

A Trilateral
Effort to
Study and


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Documents include:

  • Project summary

  • Paper on a "Virtual Marketspace," including resources

  • Feasibility Study for a Marketplace to Increase North American Higher Education Cooperation, Collaboration, and Exchange: Report and Conclusions, with eight appendices, including:

  • Existing programs: Fifteen examples of structured programs for collaboration

  • Paper on Work-Based Programs, including resources.

Has your institution been hoping to enlarge its international collaboration and exchange offerings in North America while grappling with continuing obstacles? Are barriers to exchange challenging you to think about new models? The reports of this trilateral project should prove useful to you in addressing these issues.

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) provides the rationale not only for enhancing opportunity but also for removing barriers that limit the flow of students and scholars and academic projects across North American borders. The goal of this project was to suggest ways to enhance North American academic cooperation, collaboration, and exchange. The products that emerged from this trilateral effort do not provide simple solutions but rather identify and analyze existing issues and obstacles, summarize 15 structured programs and other resources that facilitate collaboration, and propose a framework for the creation of a virtual marketspace, to facilitate matching potential partners.

At a later date, we will post a Spanish version of these documents.

Steering and Advisory Committees 

Canada: Nicole Begin-Heick, University of Ottawa; Sally Brown, Senior Vice President, Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada; Thomas Wood, President, Mount Royal College

Mexico: Dolores Sanchez Soler, Secretaria Academica, Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior; Luz Elena Baños Rivas, Directora de Cooperación Educativa e Intercambio Académico Instituto Mexicano de Cooperacion Internacional Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores Reforma; Sylvia Ortega Salazar, Rectora, Universidad Pedagogica Nacional

United States: Madeleine F. Green, Vice President, American Council on Education; Peggy Blumenthal, Vice President, Institute of International Education; Francisco J. Marmolejo, Director, Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration (CONAHEC); Naomi F. Collins, Principal Investigator


American Council on Education