CONAHEC Member Institution


The Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas (UNACH) is a public institution of higher education headquartered in the city of Tuxtla Gutíerrez, capital of the state of Chiapas, Mexico. UNACH also has campuses located in Arriaga, Comitán, Pichucalco, San Cristóbal de las Cases, Palenque, Conpainalá, Tapachula y Villaflores. It was founded by decree in 1974 and formally began its activities in 1975. After its foundation, UNACH united various schools of higher education that previously existed, such as the School of Engineering, the School of Medicine and the School of Law. The university incorporates various degrees.

#251-300th Latin American University Rankings (2018) by Top Universities

Key Personnel

Name/Nom/Nombre Emailtrier par ordre croissant Institutional Role Department Pays
Ramírez Peña, Silvia Mobility Coordinator Movilidad e Intercambio Académico Mexico
Camacho Morales, Luis Iván Primary Contact Secretaría Auxiliar de Relaciones Interinstitucionales Mexico
Natarén Nandayapa, Carlos Rector Rectoría Mexico