Graduate Student Colloquy: I-we:mta: Foregrounding Indigenous Epistemologies Within Education

TLS Graduate Students at the University of Arizona
Jeudi, Février 22, 2018
University of Arizona, College of Education Building
United States

We are excited to announce our collaboration with the 31st annual Teaching, Learning, & Sociocultural Studies (TLS) Graduate Student Colloquy, at the University of Arizona, College of Education. The TLS Graduate Student Colloquy is a one-day event to be held on Thursday, February 22, 2018. The colloquy is an opportunity for graduate students from across colleges and programs working on education related topics to share their work with colleagues and visiting scholars.

This year’s title is I-we:mta: Foregrounding Indigenous Epistemologies Within Education. The University of Arizona is a Tohono O’odham land-grant university, and we wanted to highlight this within the theme and title of our colloquy.   The O’odham word “I-we:mta” emphasizes reciprocal collaboration—one in which everyone is assisting, guiding, and working with and for each other.  Indigenous knowledges, praxis, and research methodologies decolonize and search for socially just ways of doing, being, and knowing in all educational contexts. This year, we will explore the ways in which Indigenous epistemologies lead to new kinds of educational experiences and outcomes and pose new research questions.
Our keynote speaker is Dr. Sandy Grande, Professor of Education, Chair of the Education Department at Connecticut College, and Director of the Center for the Comparative Study of Race and Ethnicity. Through identifying issues of power, history, self-identity and the possibility of collective agency and revolutionary struggle, Dr. Grande constructs teaching as the link between public education and the creation of a new critical democracy, connecting to the Indigenous struggle for self-determination and tribal sovereignty.