CONAHEC Member Institution


The Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez is a public, autonomous institution of higher education with a mission to create, conserve and transmit knowledge; embody, inculcate and promote the values of identity and the diverse culture of the state; the equal coexistence between men and women; the free dissemination of ideas; the adoption of healthy habits and practices; the civil practice; supportive and informed participation, in order to be internationally competitive professionals through quality educational programs; scientific research relevant to regional environment; consolidated academic bodies; infrastructure to facilitate access to knowledge and self-directed learning; ongoing programs of cultural diffusion and a certified organization, socially responsible, inclusive, sustainable and free of violence.

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Key Personnel

Name/Nom/Nombre Email Institutional Role Departmentorden ascendente País
Camargo Nassar, Juan Ignacio Rector Rectoría Mexico
Márquez González, Yadira Primary Contact Dirección Genreal de Vinculación e Intercambio México