BCCIE Summer Seminar 2014

British Columbia Council for International Education
Sunday, June 22, 2014 to Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Four Seasons Hotel Vancouver
791 West Georgia Street
V6C 2T4 Vancouver

This year’s conference theme is Challenging Perceptions.

In International Education, we work in a field founded on dynamic and ever-shifting landscapes, where we as a sector should be constantly engaged in challenging our own perceptions and those of our colleagues. We challenge what we do, how we do it, where and why: questioning ethics and activities, pushing envelopes, innovating models, influencing directions and decisions, strategizing over geography and culture, and anticipating and influencing outcomes.

We also work in a field where we must constantly face the often challenging perceptions of others. These perceptions are deeply ingrained in our personal experience and in our own DNA. For example we are faced with perceptions such as: Do our efforts really displace BC students from spots in their classrooms?  Educators talk about global citizenship, so why do so few BC students study abroad?

We must ask ourselves, what is the reality and what are the perceptions? 

Summer Seminar provides an essential platform for the growth of BC’s international education sector. BCCIE’s annual conference brings together over 250 participants from our province, across Canada and beyond our borders. The conference attracts senior leaders, researchers, practitioners, student service providers, administrators, government, NGOs, and students to explore these ideas with the aim of strengthening our work and taking steps towards advancing outstanding leadership in the fields that comprise international education in BC.

In addition to a full range of concurrent sessions, the conference agenda will include:

  • Interactive pre-conference workshops on special topics
  • A range of networking opportunities
  • A First-Timers Social
  • The National Dialogue on International Education
  • Thought Leader Dialogues on special topics
  • BCCIE International Education Awards Banquet
  • Plenary addresses
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