CONAHEC News and Information

Thursday, Nov. 05, 2020

As voters weigh the candidates’ various proposals heading into the 2020 presidential election, issues around higher education and mounting national student loan debt are factors many are considering before casting a ballot.

Currently, more than 40 million Americans have student loan debt, and collectively they owe the federal government $1.5 trillion. In a poll conducted by Cheddar, 12 percent of prospective voters said they defaulted on their loans with another 8 percent in danger of doing the same.

Thursday, Nov. 05, 2020

With enrollment numbers plunging, some colleges and universities are taking an aggressive approach to lure students back.

One school is slashing the price for first year students to zero.

Amid the coronavirus and economic downturn, financial constraints have finally put a limit on what families can afford to pay, while many also contend that remote learning is just not worth the same as face-to-face instruction — causing some would-be college students to rethink their plans altogether. 

More from Personal Finance:

Thursday, Nov. 05, 2020

Where do you turn for information about college admission? Do you rely on friends, parents, neighbors, siblings, teachers, coaches, or counselors? Perhaps you default to the internet and the sea of sources for admission related news? From webinars, virtual visits, and search engines to rankings and crowdsourced rumor mills like College Confidential and Reddit, there is an unimaginable amount of content. It is enough to make one’s head spin. What is credible? Who is reliable?

Thursday, Nov. 05, 2020

Today, Americans will head to the polls and ballots will be counted. For those of us who are focused on higher education, this election represents unusually high stakes. But there are nine votes getting far less attention that are worth watching today, and none includes the outcome of the presidential or Congressional elections. 

Wednesday, Nov. 04, 2020

De acuerdo con el Diccionario de la Lengua Española, un mito es una persona o cosa a la que se atribuyen cualidades o excelencias que no tiene. La elección en curso en Estados Unidos (EU) nos ofrece la oportunidad de revisar y puntualizar algunos mitos sobre la relación con México. 

Friday, Oct. 23, 2020

Hands-on learning. Face-to-face interactions. Study sessions in the student union. Workouts in the student gym.

That’s what students said they signed up for — and were required to pay for — when they attended universities across the country last spring.

But, they argue, it’s not what they got once the coronavirus drove them off campus. And now they want their money back.

Friday, Oct. 23, 2020

With the October 24th deadline looming and Mexico significantly behind in its commitments to release water to the Rio Grande, tensions are on the rise between the U.S. and Mexican governments. Farmers and political leaders in South Texas, which depends heavily on the water, have called on Mexico to immediately rectify the situation. The Texas governor and U.S. head of the International Boundaries and Water Commission have followed suit.

Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2020

Four years after launching from Earth, NASA's Osiris-Rex on Tuesday made a historic and brief landing on potentially hazardous asteroid Bennu, over 200 million miles away.

The spacecraft traveled all that way to perform a short touch-and-go maneuver with the goal of collecting a sample from the asteroid's surface and transporting it back to Earth for study.

Tuesday, Oct. 13, 2020

Scientists, human rights defenders and artists in Mexico have warned that a plan to overhaul government funding structures threatens the future of activities as diverse as medical research, disaster response, film production and journalist protections in the country.

Mexico’s lower house of congress is expected to vote on Tuesday on a proposal to abolish 109 public trusts, diverting approximately $3bn to other priorities such as the Covid-19 pandemic response.

Tuesday, Oct. 06, 2020

Of the colleges and universities that have chosen to hold classes in person this fall, most are not conducting widespread testing of their students for the coronavirus, an NPR analysis has found. With only weeks remaining before many of those schools plan to send students home for the end of the semester, the findings raise concerns that communities around the U.S. could be exposed to new outbreaks.
